Unveiling Phyto-P™

A Patent Pending Biostimulated Polyphenol Rich Superfood


Unveiling Nature’s Phytochemical Defense

Incorporating phytonutrients from plant sources into your diet can bring forth a multitude of health benefits, including fortifying the immune system. These indispensable nutrients manifest in diverse forms such as anthocyanins, quercetin, catechins, and chlorogenic acid. Research indicates that catechins may possess anti-inflammatory properties alongside antimicrobial effects, contributing to the regulation of immunity levels and potentially offering neuroprotective capabilities. In essence, these nutrient-rich plants hold significant value as valuable additions to our dietary choices due to their myriad advantageous attributes!

Through our proprietary biostimulation process, we have fortified our patent pending Phyto-P™ with higher levels of these beneficial compounds in an effort to maximize its health benefits.

Phyto-P™ has been shown to express up to 9X higher levels of these health promoting polyphenols.

Phytonutrients, also referred to as phytochemicals or polyphenols, are natural compounds derived from plants that offer a wide array of health advantages. With a staggering 25,000 phytonutrients discovered in plant-based foods, they play a pivotal role in enhancing overall well-being. Varieties of phytonutrients encompass carotenoids like lutein, flavonoids, coumarins, indoles, isoflavones, lignans, organosulfates, and plant sterols.

Nature’s Goodness in each teaspoon

Athletic Performance and Recovery

Engaging in strenuous activity can lead to Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage, resulting in discomfort, inflammation, and reduced muscle function. These outcomes can impede subsequent athletic performance and training quality, especially for individuals facing limited recovery time between sessions or competitions.

Polyphenols, revered for their multifaceted bioactivity, offer a bridge to expedited recovery. These compounds, found abundantly in nature, wield potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In the context of post-exercise recovery, polyphenols have shown promise in mitigating inflammation, potentially abating discomfort and catalyzing the healing process.

Autoimmune Disease Support

Coming Soon


Medical Meals